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Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso
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Version 2.06 Enhancements
-- DISK SPOOL II and networks.
Picture the following scenario: you've got two or more computers
networked together and only one has a printer. The computer with the
printer is sharing its disk space with the other computers. Every
computer has a copy of DISK SPOOL II active, and the one or ones that
don't have a printer are set up to place their spool files onto the
disk drive of the computer where the printer is attached. Everything
seems fine with this scenario, except that DISK SPOOL II on the computer
having the printer attached doesn't recognize the existence of
files created by the other computers. This is where DISK SPOOL II's
network feature comes in. The discussion below describes this
feature. To activate it, key in !#d on the command line when you first
initiate DISK SPOOL II into memory. Example: SP2 !#d. Note that
AutoDespool mode must be active on all machines.
Normally, the AutoDespooler only recognizes files that have been
spooled on that same machine. It keeps an internal table of
files created, and then when a file is finished printing,
it accesses that table in order to find another one to print. With
the network feature enabled, in addition to this, the AutoSpooler reads
the directory every so often to see if anything new has shown up. It
looks for files having the prefix SP0xxx.SPL, where the x's are three
digits, and the SPL is the same suffix as designated in SP2CFG.
In this manner, files created by remote computers' DISK SPOOL II, as
long as they are placed in the correct directory on the computer
where the printer is attached, will get printed.
The duration of time between directory reads can be controlled from
within the configuration program by setting the "flush delay"
parameter to the desired interval in seconds. A somewhat low setting
probably won't affect your computer's performance, since DOS usually
keeps a copy of the directory in memory, and so actual reads to the
disk drive itself are usually not necessary.
It can happen, if the timing is correct, that different computers end
up spooling to the same file name. In order to prevent this situation,
key in the following command line parameter: !#x, where x is a digit
from 0 to 9. If you key a 0, then the AutoSpooler will create files
having names whose 4th digit starts with 0: SP0000.SPL, SP0001.SPL,
etc. If you key a 1, then the names will look like this: SP0100.SPL,
SP0101.SPL, etc.
Version 3.00 Enhancements
-- Expanded Memory (EMS). You may now configure DISK SPOOL II to use
your computer's expanded memory, if any exists. Two things occur
in this configuration: DISK SPOOL II loads in less regular memory
(only 30k for the SP2 version), and the internal spool file buffer
uses Expanded memory, so control returns to your keyboard quicker.
Furthermore, you may spool to EMS by making the Spool File name
*EMS either by configuration, or by (F)ile (A)ttach (S)pool.
Note that DISK SPOOL II will dynamically allocate the expanded
memory segments for the Spool File as it needs them, and it releases
them for other applications to use when it doesn't need then.
For most efficient memory usage, set the (D)ynamic (R)esize
configuration option to YES. In this manner, when DISK SPOOL II is
finished printing the *EMS file, it will automatically "delete"
the file, thus freeing up expanded memeory.
-- Drivers. A "device driver" version of DISK SPOOL II now exists.
It loads with all the same command line paramters, only you load
it in your CONFIG.SYS file with a DEVICE=SP2.DRV {parameters} line.
-- Virtually 99% of all significant problems experienced with
DISK SPOOL II are caused by an incompatibility with other
memory-resident programs. Such programs are memory-resident
because they are TSR's that you load after boot-up (or perhaps
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file), or they are "device drivers" loaded
in your CONFIG.SYS file.
Quite often, in these situations, a complete resolution of the
problem can be obtained simply by loading the two conflicting
programs in a different order. Before this version, if the
program conflicting with DISK SPOOL II were a device driver,
then you had no recourse but to use the two at different times,
since there's no way to load a TSR before a device driver.
But now you can use the device driver version of DISK SPOOL
II, and experiment loading it before the conflicting driver.
Version 4.00 Enhancements
- DISK SPOOL II now loads almost entirely in extended memory. The
addresses of extended memory being used are those in the first
64k above the 1 Meg boundary. DISK SPOOL II does not depend on
memory manager programs in order to utilize this space; but at
the same time, is totally compatible with such programs.
The amount of "lower DOS" memory that DISK SPOOL II uses is
The 2nd display of the configuration program (SP2CFG) allows
you to configure DISK SPOOL II to load entirely into the lower
memory area. This provides for the situation where DISK SPOOL II
is incompatible with some other program using extended memory.
- An entirely new function, called the Monitor, has been incorporated
into DISK SPOOL II. With this new function, you may optionally
configure DISK SPOOL II to monitor any two directories on your
machine for the appearance of a DOS file of a skeleton form that
you designate much in the same manner that one would do a DIR
command. When such a file appears, and after a few seconds delay,
DISK SPOOL II automatically, and in the background, queues this
file to be printed in the background. For instance, you can
designate that any DOS file of the form *.plt that appears in
directory c:\cadkey\plt\ be sent off to COM1, while any file of
any name (*.*) that appears in directory c:\queue\lpt1\ be sent
off to LPT1.
This feature was incorporated in order to complement programs
that give you the abilily to print to a disk file. Such programs
generally do so in the most rapid manner possible. And so, without
ever having to leave your application, DISK SPOOL II will start
printing the file in the background.
PLEASE NOTE: the Monitor feature only works if you enable
the AutoSpool and/or the AutoDespool features. Please refer
to the manual for an explanation of these features.
- The AutoSpool and AutoDespool features now may be enabled in
the SP2SSS.COM version of DISK SPOOL II. Prior to this release,
these features only functioned in the SP2 and SP2S verions of
the product.
- You may now select a DOS file from within the pop-up menu to be
printed. To do this, you get into the (F)iles (L)ist pop-up
panel (which panel comes up by default as the first paned when
you have the AutoDespooling feature enabled), press Cmd 6 in order
to designate a new scan directory, and then select a file for
printing by keying a 6 next to it.
- The algorithms used by the SP2PRT command, and by the process
described just above regarding selecting a file for printing
within the (F)iles (L)ist panel, have been enhanced. Now,
if AutoSpooling is enabled, these two functions take less than
a second to complete ... no matter how large the print file
being spooled.
Prior to this release, these operations would append the contents
of the file being printed to the end of the Spool File. In addition
to being slow, a second inconvenience of this method was the wasted
disk space involved in making a duplication of an existing file.
As of this release, DISK SPOOL II now merely creates a "pointer"
file containing only 66 bytes. The Despooler recognizes this file
as a pointer file rather than a file that contains the actual data
itself, and knows to actually print from the file being pointed to.
Consequently, the initial process takes a fraction of a second, and
involves only a very small amount of disk space.
- An advanced programming interface has been incorporated into
DISK SPOOL II. With these software hooks, a programmer can
virtually control all pertinant aspects of DISK SPOOL II from
within his or her own program. Refer to file SP2INTFC.DOC for
a description of interface protocols.
- You now have the ability to designate that a specified byte stream
be appended automatically by DISK SPOOL II at the end of every
- You may now specify optionally that printing stop after each
- DISK SPOOL II now pops up over graphical displays.
- A new facility called LOG has been created. With this feature, you
instruct DISK SPOOL II to maintain a file called SP2.LOG of
despooling activity. This feature is useful when you need to bill
a client for the amount of printing or plotting you have done on
his or her behalf.